Thursday, January 7, 2010

Watch South Park Online Season 5

s5e1 It Hits The Fan

When a dirty word is used on television, everyone begins to say it, and soon people become deathly ill. Chef and the boys find a link between the two events and, with the help of ancient knights, try to stop networks from broadcasting the word on TV.

s5e2 Cripple Fight

Stan, Cartman, Kenny, Timmy, and Butters join the scouts, and their troop leader is Big Gay Al. At a scout meeting the boys get to know Jimmy, a boy with physical disabilities and a stutter. Timmy is jealous of Jimmy, and they get in a fight. Meanwhile, the community worries about having a gay scout leader, and fires Big Gay Al.

s5e3 Super Best Friends

The boys see magician David Blaine perform, then attend his workshop and camp, and basically join a cult in which Blaine is the leader. Stan is the only one who isn't enchanted by Blaine. Stan asks Jesus for help in showing his friends the truth, and Jesus calls The Super Best Friends for more support. South Park episodes can be watched online at

s5e4 Scott Tenorman Must Die

Scott Tenorman tricks Cartman into buying his pubes, and Cartman is furious at being deceived. Time after time Scott outsmarts him, until finally Cartman cooks up the ultimate plan for revenge. Watch this episode on watch South Park online for free.

s5e5 Terrance And Phillip: Behind The Blow

The boys are supposed to participate in an Earth Day Brain Washing Festival, but instead go to see a live-action Terrance and Phillip show under the guise of asking them to perform at the Earth Day event. When they get there, Terrance looks terrible and Phillip is an impostor. The boys have to get Terrance and Phillip back together, but it will not be an easy task.

s5e6 Cartmanland

Cartman inherits a large sum of money from his grandmother and uses it to buy an amusement park. He doesn't allow anyone else into the park, because he doesn't want to wait in line for the rides. Meanwhile, Kyle questions God's purpose in bestowing such good fortune upon a person as selfish as Cartman. Watch this episode on watch South Park online for free.

s5e7 Proper Condom Use

Fifth graders teach Cartman how to milk a dog, and when Stan tries it in front of his parents, they assume it means kids aren't learning proper sex education in school. Mr. Mackey teaches the boys, while Ms. Choksondik teaches the girls, but because the two instructors are so clueless, the kids become terrified of sex. Mr. Mackey and Ms. Choksondik find themselves attracted to each other.

s5e8 Towelie

Stan's mom buys the boys a new video game system and they are looking forward to playing it all weekend. When Kyle mentions he can't hang out with them because he'll be swimming with his family, a talking towel named Towelie appears. All Towelie wants to do is give towel advice and get high. Soon the government gets involved, and seems very interested in Towelie.

s5e9 Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants

Ms. Choksondik has her each of her students send a dollar to children in Afghanistan. Soon, Stan receives a goat in return. Deciding to take the goat back, the boys find themselves aboard a ship to Afghanistan, where they are taken hostage. It's up to the children of Afghanistan to save them.

s5e10 How To Eat With Your Butt

Kenny plays a practical joke during school photo day, and Cartman takes it a step further. The joke causes a couple from Wisconsin to arrive in South Park, looking for their long lost son. Cartman sees something which causes him to laugh so hard that he actually loses his sense of humor. Watch South Park online at

s5e11 The Entity (a.k.a. The Ginger Device)

Kyle's annoying cousin (who is also named Kyle) comes to visit, and Kyle is concerned that Cartman will make fun of his cousin's very stereotypical Jewish traits. Meanwhile, Mr. Garrison becomes enraged at the airlines, so he invents a new and unusual method of transportation. Stream all the latest South Park episodes only at for free.

s5e12 Here Comes The Neighborhood

The other students tease Token because his family is wealthy. Feeling out of place, he convinces several rich celebrities to move to South Park. Even while playing with his new rich friends, he still feels out of place, so he moves into the lion den at the zoo. The South Park residents are uncomfortable with all the new wealthy celebrities, and try to drive them out of town.

s5e13 Kenny Dies

Kenny develops a terminal illness and is incredibly sick. All the boys react differently to this - Kyle stays by Kenny's bedside, Stan avoids seeing him because he doesn't want to see him suffer, and Cartman seeks a cure using stem cells. When a truckload of aborted fetuses falls into Cartman's possession, he lobbies Congress to make it legal to use them for research.

s5e14 Butters' Very Own Episode

Butters wants his parents to have a nice wedding anniversary, which is coming up in a few days. His mom asks him to spy on his father to find out what he's getting her for an anniversary gift, but Butters discovers that his dad goes to some very disturbing places. His mom is shocked, and decides to take drastic measures to make things right again.

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